Tradition of construction-installation plants goes back to the period of the 50´s when their activity was connected with a wide postwar electrification in Slovakia. Later most of them became part of distribution energetic plants. Within SSE two such plants existed from 1961 - in Banská Bystrica and in Žilina. These plants in the 60´s and 70´s of the last century significantly participated at development of energetic infrastructure of the state. Later they primarily focused on renovation and development of SSE distribution system.
Elektroenergetické montáže, a.s. joint-stock company was established by company Stredoslovenská energetika, a.s. as the sole founder upon the Deed of Foundation dated 2. July 2003.
During its short existence the company went through a line of re-organising and personnel changes which ended up on 1. September 2004 in form of effectivity of the Contract on sale of part of the enterprise concluded between Stredoslovenská energetika, a.s. and Elektroenergetické montáže, a.s. This step represented a conclusion of externalization process of SMČ (construction-installation activities) division from company Stredoslovenská energetika, a.s., which facilitated the EEM, a.s. – daughter joint-stock company in fulfilling its mission. A new private joint stock company Elektroenergetické montáže, a.s. (abbreviated to EEM, a.s.) entered the market whose employees operate mainly in central Slovakia. With their good-quality and professional work employees of EEM, a.s. connect to a long-year tradition of installation activities of their predecessors.